Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Manifest Destiny vs. Imperalism free essay sample

Manifest Destiny is imperialism covered up with the word of God, is gives people the right to steal from Native Americans. The US was not  imperialistic  though they had some of the same attributes as imperialistic nations. They did not have the strong desire to dominate other nations, and create colonies on other continents. They were expanding across unexplored lands. Since they owned the land they should take it, and use it. They made a lot of mistakes at high cost to the natives. There were many instances that Native Americans were tortured and taken from their home lands such as the trail of tears. These instances did not make America imperialistic just for this time period it was exemplifying some of its characteristics. Imperialism isn’t always the best way to go about obtaining land. For example, William Walker tried to grab Nicaragua and claim it for himself. He was a self proclaimed president of that nation. We will write a custom essay sample on Manifest Destiny vs. Imperalism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He immediately made slavery legal and installed unjust laws by the wave of his hand. Eventually Central American forces aligned to take out this imperialistic monster and he was taken out of office almost instantly. William Walker is a good example how full blown imperialism cannot work in society and how Americans will never let any of its ideals ever come into power until they reason that â€Å"God† sent them to do his work. The question they should have asked themselves is â€Å"Do I really know what God wants? † The US began as a colony of Britain, but it sought independence, and separated itself from Britain. The US started as imperialistic, but changed into nationalistic. In the US, the settlers were treated as citizens, they created states, and they were treated like the rest of the original colonies. So imperialism is when a powerful country puts a colony in an inferior country for land and raw materials. What happened in the US was unique, because it was a colony from an imperialistic nation that defected, became nationalistic, and then they expanded into land that they legally owned at the cost of the natives. Although American immigrants thought they were sent from â€Å"God† to develop the lands bought from Spain they were mistaken. The imperialistic mind set that they had developed was centered on a belief that someone you could not hear, see or touch told you that you could steal lands from innocent people. You could also kill anyone in your way to a successful future; this is imperialism it is just covered up with fancy words like Manifest Destiny.

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